Airport/Facilities Planning & Design

We have been providing specialized planning and design services for over 20 years.

JWG prides itself in developing environmentally conscious and cost-effective design solutions that portray a “sense of place” that reflects the customs and heritage of the region in which the facility is located. We are committed to providing a comprehensive planning and design approach for every client that we have been entrusted with and to provide facilities that are safe, efficient, cost-effective and sustainable.

What We Offer

JWG personnel have been providing specialized planning and design services for facilities including passenger terminals, cargo terminals, aircraft maintenance facilities, multi-story parking garages, hotels, and administration offices for over 20 years. Our planning and design solutions include the development of complete design documents that will guide a project through its entire lifecycle from project initiation, schematic design, preparation of construction documents to project commissioning and testing.

JWG provides all-encompassing services which have included the development of airport master plans, facility development phasing, feasibility studies, architectural planning & design documents, demand capacity analysis, facility requirements, space programming, retail / concession planning, aircraft parking configurations / modeling, facility wayfinding and airport security checkpoint planning.

Areas of Expertise

  • Architectural Terminal Planning and Design
  • Airport Passenger Terminal Expansion and Modernization Concepts
  • Facilities Assessment
  • Terminal Space Programming
  • Demand Capacity Analysis
  • Passenger Wayfinding Systems
  • Airport Master Planning
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Aircraft Terminal Parking Configurations / Modeling
  • Traffic Forecasting and Peak-hour Demand Analysis
  • Airport Special Systems Planning (i.e. Passenger Boarding Bridges, 400 Hz, PCA, Aircraft Docking Guidance Systems
  • Facility Phasing and Development Planning
  • Development of Schematic and Construction Documents
  • Procurement Document Preparation and Management
  • Security Checkpoint Planning